Our clinical partners

London Medical Laboratory

We’ve partnered with CQC-registered lab London Medical Laboratory (LML) to deliver expert analysis for blood testing. From their state-of-the-art lab near Battersea Park, LML helps Ivie Wellness deliver clinically accurate blood test results.


Inuvi are a CQC-registered team of medical professionals who specialise in blood sample collection. We've partnered with Inuvi to support us in delivering home and in-store blood tests.


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Regulated, safe and effective

LML and Inuvi are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission which means they’re held to the same standards as GP practices, hospitals and other health care providers in the UK.

UKAS accredited

LML and Inuvi are both UKAS accredited, meaning an independent evaluation has taken place regarding their competence, impartiality and performance capability to ensure the quality of the services they provide.